React Application Overview: Class Scheduling System
Hey and welcome back to the react course. In this set of guides, we will be building out the application you see here on the screen which is the course scheduler.
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And the idea of this application is to add and remove classes to your schedule here on the right and see the percentage that you are at. If you look at the design you'll notice that there are a few differences such as a progress tracker that's a little more built out and a few other things.


So you'll also notice that there is an add button here and it looks a little nicer. As we build out this application and get near the end we will add in those styles they just aren't in this application that I build out here. So the main things you'll be learning in this course fall under redux. So if you google redux, it says "Redux is an open source javascript library designed for managing applications state. It is primarily used together with react or angular for building user interfaces".

So the way I like to think of redux is kind of like a mid backend, I wouldn't consider it a back end but almost like a back end for your immediate front end if that makes sense. So if you want to get an idea of what redux is before hopping into the next guide it's just go ahead go out and go to and you can read up.

Other than that we will be building out some components which we have learned how to do. We will be adding in some more third party libraries again and that's about it. So once you're ready go ahead and move on to the next guide and we will get started by generating our project and getting started. So I will see you in the next guide.