React Project Two: Build a Birthday Countdown Application

Not CompletedStyle Fixes for Smaller Screens

Welcome back to the course. In the last guide, we got a little bit of that functionality in but I noticed that there's an error in our styling.

Not CompletedMaking the Countdown Count the Number of Days Until a Selected Date

Welcome back to the course. In the last video, we just made some style changes. In the previous video before that, we started our logic for the application.

Not CompletedRefactoring the Date Picker in the React Countdown Project

Welcome back to the course. In the last video, we set up our picker to connect to the app.js with a callback prop in our picker component.

Not CompletedFixing a State Bug and Mapping the Time Remaining Object into the Clock Component

Welcome back to the application. In the last video, we made a couple changes to our app, but we also hit a bug. I'm about to tell you how to fix that bug.

Not CompletedHow to Clear an Interval in React

Welcome back to the course. In the last video, we got our timer working, but you'll notice that if we change the date to another date: it screws things up by adding a bunch of timers in.

Not CompletedIntegrating Countdown Mathematical Calculations

Hi there, and welcome back to the course. In the last video, we noticed that we had a problem here. If you put a day in the past and hit generate, you will see that we get a negative number.

Not CompletedBuilding out the Age Calculation

Welcome back to the course. In the last video, we handled our cases to determine when the birthday is, the countdown. In this video, we're going to get the data in this label that tells you how old you are going to turn.

Not CompletedGenerate the Month and Day Text for the Large Text Label and Fix Key Error

Welcome back. Let's go ahead and add in that last piece of functionality, and then fix up the styles and complete the app.

Not CompletedFixing Final Countdown Bugs and Final Application Recap

Welcome back to the application. There's a couple problems with our app. The first is the Change Date, and you'll notice that this isn't counting down anymore.

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