Learn management skills
In this lesson, we're going to take a high-level overview of some of the best ways to learn management skills.
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Now, this course is not specifically one on management, it's a digital literacy course. But it's still important to understand how management should work, especially as it relates to any kind of digital projects or to technology companies in general.

If you find yourself in a management position where you're working with a team of developers, whether it's project management, product management, or anything like that, one of my top pieces of advice is to focus on the developer's perspective.

Any time that I've seen a breakdown between management and a development team, which also usually leads to a breakdown and failure of the project, it usually came from the management team not properly looking at things from a developer's perspective. They simply saw some type of goal or project, and they didn't communicate properly with the team.

If you remember back to when we talked about the different agile values, remember how communication was one of the top priorities? Whenever you find yourself in a position of management, that is a paramount requirement, it's that you're constantly communicating with the development team.

You're getting feedback from them for new features, for how to fix certain bugs, for anything like that. I promise you the more that you communicate with that team and the more you get feedback from them, the more effective you're going to be as a manager.

When it comes to learning new management skills, make sure that you are also reading constantly. I was really surprised to learn this, but in Fortune 500 companies, a survey was done and the average number of books that these Fortune 500 company CEOs read was a hundred books a year.

Some of the best CEOs and managers always prioritize reading and learning, and so if you're doing that, not only are you feeding yourself a new information, which is always good as long as it's good quality information, but even more importantly what you're doing is you're learning from someone else's experience.

So if someone else has written a book on management, they typically spent years in learning and failing and doing things like that. So if you're able to read that book, you can learn from their experience as opposed to having to learn from your own failures and your own experiences.