Unit Objectives
Unit Objectives: HTML/CSS Foundations
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial

During this section of the coursework, the following objectives will be met. You will learn to:

  ● Identify tools used to program websites.

  ● Describe basic HTML Website Structure

  ● Use HTML tags such as head tag, div tag, span tag, etc.

  ● Utilize HTML IDs and Classes

  ● Integrate HTML tables, forms, text input, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.

  ● Implement Inline and Embedded CSS styles

  ● Use CSS best practices with style sheets

  ● Utilize CSS selectors. 

  ● Incorporate CSS animations, borders, and styling of tables. 

Please make sure you are Coding Along with the videos. A few guides from now you will start building out a website in HTML. You need to be coding along with the Instructor, creating the website on your own computer as the instructor creates it on theirs. To do this, you will need a text editor. You can use any text editor that you like, but for beginners we recommend Visual Studio Code. Other text editors you might want to use are Atom and Sublime.

If you are having any trouble as you code along, please reach out on the Support App. We have a team of Mentors who will be able to answer any questions and help you debug your code.

When you are done with this section, you will need to reach out with a ticket and have the Devcamp Fries Website passed off.

Visual Studio

