React JS Authentication

Not CompletedOverview of Authentication Behavior

Now that we have our Home page looking great, I think the next best step is to talk about, and then implement authentication, into our application.

Not CompletedHow to Import Static Images in React

In this lesson, we're gonna start building out the JSX structure that we're gonna need to have this auth component and in the next guide, we're going to add the styles for it.

Not CompletedFinalizing the Auth Component Styles

Now that we have our auth component live, let's build out the ability to have that nice split grid with the image on the left and then eventually the login component on the right.

Not CompletedCreating the Initial Login Component

With our structure in place, we are ready to start building out our login component.

Not CompletedIntroduction to React Forms

I think we're ready to take a look at how we can work with forms inside of React.

Not CompletedOverview of React's Form Submit Handler

So now that we know that we are properly updating our state for our login component, now we have to see and decide what processes we want to occur when the form is submitted.

Not CompletedCreating an Authentication Session in React

Okay, it's time for the moment of truth where we actually see if we can login to another application, and this is something that's very cool.

Not CompletedHandling Sign In Error in React

In the last guide, we walked through how to connect to the DevCamp Space API so that you can log in directly into your own portfolio website.

Not CompletedDeep Dive: Authentication

Before we continue on with building out the project, I wanna take a step back right now.

Not CompletedIntroduction to Render Props in React

Now that we know our login process works and hopefully we have a little bit of a better understanding on how authentication works in general.

Not CompletedUpdating a Parent Component's State in React from a Child Component

It's time for the moment of truth, we know that we have a login component that is working.

Not CompletedAutomatically Checking if a User is Logged In in React

Now that we have a working solution for our authentication tool, let's address one of the key bugs.

Not CompletedHow to Convert a Class Component into a Functional Component in React

The last few videos have been pretty long so I thought it'd be good to take a little break, take a step back and perform a refactor.

Not CompletedHow to Show and Hide Links When Logged In

Over the next couple of guides we're gonna work through how we can add some dynamic behavior to the website just by looking at the logged in status.

Not CompletedBuilding a Route Guard in React

In the last guide, we saw how we could show or hide links based on if a user was logged in or not, but we also saw how that doesn't actually hide the route itself, and so that would lead to a security vulnerability.

Not CompletedImplementing a Logout Handler in the App Component

We're almost done with the section on authentication.

Not CompletedFinalizing the Logout Functionality with a Higher Order Component

It's time to finish out the log out functionality and like I mentioned earlier, we're going to use this as a tool for learning how high order components work.


React JS Authentication
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