React JS fundamentals

Not CompletedIntroduction to React Components

Welcome to the section on React and the React Fundamentals.

Not CompletedClass vs Functional Components in React

In the last guide we walked through how to create a react class component and I mentioned how there are different types of components in react.

Not CompletedReact Constructor Overview

This is going to be a pretty short episode. We are going to talk about the constructor inside of a class component.

Not CompletedCustom Functions in React and Using Map to Loop Over Data

So, in the last guide, we walked through the basics of the constructor function, and that is very helpful.

Not CompletedOverview of Props in React

In the last guide, we walked through how we could map over a collection of data and how we were able to then build and pass in our component and then render that out on the page.

Not CompletedHow JSX Works in React

In the last section, when we walked through each one of the code files in detail and I told you that what you were seeing inside of the render function such as all of the component data, I told you that it looked a lot like HTML.

Not CompletedIntroduction to Working with State in React

Great job in how you've been going through this section so far.

Not CompletedHow to Change State Values in React

In the last guide, we walked through how to create initial state and how to access those state values.

Not CompletedHow to Build a Data Filter in React

Now that we've walked through how we can set state with an example, you should have the syntax down, but it's definitely worth more practice and in this guide we're going to build out a pretty cool feature.

Not CompletedIntroduction to React Conditionals

Nice job in going through the last few guides on state. I know state can be a little bit confusing if you've never seen it before, especially when you start to get into manipulating state and working with click listeners and those kinds of things.

Not CompletedHow to Use Ternary Operators in JSX Code to Implement Conditional Behavior

Now that you have an introduction to the syntax and the process for implementing conditionals in React, we're going to take that knowledge and we're going to extend it a little further.


React JS Fundamentals
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