JavaScript Basics

Not CompletedSection Introduction

Hi, my name is Jordan Hudgens, and I'm going to be your instructor throughout this Javascript development course.

Not CompletedReasons for Learning JavaScript

So you've heard of this language called JavaScript, and you want to know why it's important to learn. That's what we're going to talk about in this guide, and I'm specifically going to walk through four key reasons why it's important for you to learn JavaScript.

Not CompletedAnalyzing the Various Versions of JavaScript

This guide walks through the various versions of the JavaScript programming language, including topics such as how to lookup browser support.

Not CompletedHow to Run JavaScript Programs

In this lesson you'll learn how to run JavaScript code in both the browser and CodePen development environments, including examining how to configure both options.

Not CompletedHow to Work with Variables in JavaScript

This guide examines how to work with variables in JavaScript, including: how to store data in variables, how to define multiple variables at the same time, and how to use both the let and var variable options.

Not CompletedUnderstanding the Key Difference Between Var and Let Variables Types

This guide walks through the key differences between the var and let based variables types in the JavaScript programming language. Focusing on the unique feature of 'let' that doesn't allow it to be re-defined.

Not CompletedGuide to JavaScript Hoisting

In this lesson we'll examine what JavaScript Hoisting is and how it affects when variables need to be declared and assigned.

Not CompletedSyntax for JavaScript Comments

This guide explains both syntax options for adding comments to JavaScript files.

Not CompletedComprehensive List of JavaScript Data Types

This lesson walks through each of the JavaScript data types. Additionally, we'll discuss how JavaScript utilizes dynamic typing.

Not CompletedGuide to JavaScript Objects

This guide explains how to work with JavaScript objects. This will include: how to define an object, how to parse values from an object, how to work with nested objects, and how to add new key/value pairs on the fly.

Not CompletedHow to Check for Data Types in JavaScript

Checking for a component's data type in JavaScript can be very important since the data type determines the types of functions that can be passed. In this guide we'll examine how you can check for data types in JavaScript.

Not CompletedHow to Perform Type Casting in JavaScript

This lesson examines how to convert data from various data types into different data types in JavaScript. Additionally, we'll discuss the issues related to automatic type casting and when this type of feature is required in real world development.

Not CompletedWorking with String Functions - Part 1

This part 1 guide walks through how to call functions on strings in order to perform tasks such as searching for values, finding a character's index, and much more.

Not CompletedWorking with String Functions - Part 2

In this second part of our module on String functions in JavaScript, we'll examine how to integrate Regular Expressions in order to find patterns in string based data.

Not CompletedWorking with String Functions - Part 3

This is the final guide in the String function module. In this lesson we'll walk through the slice, case, and trim functions. We'll also examine how we can chain functions together.

Not CompletedJavaScript Arithmetic Operators

This guide examines the full list of JavaScript arithmetic operators. These operators allow for programs to perform computation and can update numbers.

Not CompletedGuide to Compound Assignment Operators in JavaScript

This lesson examines how to work with the Compound Assignment Operator in JavaScript.

Not CompletedOrder of Operations in JavaScript

This guide walks through how the order of operations work in JavaScript programs, including a discussion on PEDMAS/PEMDAS.


Javascript Basics
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