Importing Modules in Python

Not CompletedPython Importing Module Section Introduction

Hi and welcome to this section where we're going to learn how to import modules inside of python.

Not CompletedHow to Create a Custom Module and Import It In the Python Repl

This is going to be one of my favorite sections of the entire course and I hope it will be yours as well because this is where we are going to start being able to access powerful outside code libraries and organize our code in a way where we can access all of these extra features and be able to bring those into our own programs.

Not CompletedHow to Import a Custom Python Module into Another File

In the last guide, we walked through how we could create our own custom module in python and then import it directly into the repl. And there are going to be many times where you want to build out modules on your own system and then call them from the repl.

Not CompletedHow to Import a Single Function from a Python Module

So far in this section whenever we've imported a module we've had to explicitly define that module and call it whenever we wanted access to the functions.

Not CompletedHow to Import a Module and Assign an Alias in Python

In this lesson, we're going to walk through how we can alias our import statements in Python.

Not CompletedHow to Install PIP On a Mac or Windows Machine

Throughout this course whenever we worked with modules and packages in python they have been either packages that we've created or they have been ones that are built directly into the python language such as the math module.

Not CompletedIntroduction to the Numpy Package in Python

In this lesson, we're going to install our very first Python package and we're going to use the Numpy library.

Not CompletedOverview of the Requests Package in Python to Communicate with APIs

This is going to be a really fun guide. In this lesson, we're going to walk through how to implement the requests library in python and what this is going to allow us to do is to reach out and communicate with outside API's.

Not CompletedPython Package Section Project Requirement

We're going to end this section on Python modules and packages with a project and this is going to be a very fun one. It is also going to be one of the most challenging ones that we have implemented all the way through this entire course.

Not CompletedProject Solution: Build a Web Scraper in Python

In this guide, we're going to walk through my personal solution for building out a web scraper in python. And specifically, we're going to go through the exact same steps as if I were tasked with building this project out for a client or for devcamp or any time that I have to build out some type of program that does what this web scraper is going to do.


Importing Modules in Python
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