Python Numbers

Not CompletedSection Introduction

Continuing on our journey through the python data types; in the last section we walk through how to work with the string data type and in this section we're going to dive into the number data type.

Not CompletedOverview of Number Types in Python

In this section of the course, we're going to walk through how python works with numbers. Now this is going to be very critical to performing calculations to implementing machine learning algorithms and having an understanding of the way that Python allows you to define and manage numbers and also see it's dynamic nature especially compared to other programming languages is really going to help you understand how to work with the language and how to build programs as a whole.

Not CompletedMathematical Operators in Python

Now that you're familiar with the main data types available to numbers in python. In this guide, we're going to walk through the mathematical operators that we can use to perform calculations and on the left-hand side here and in your show notes you're going to see that I've separated each one of the types of behaviors that you can implement with these type of operator.

Not CompletedGuide to the Order of Operations in Python

In this guide, we're going to talk about the order of operations in Python calculations. Now this is an incredibly important concept because if you do not understand this properly you're going to end up with some very odd calculations and you're going to expect one type of output and end up getting something else.

Not CompletedHow to Use Assignment Operators in Python

Earlier on in this section we talked about how we could use mathematical operators to work with numbers in python and in this guide. I'm going to talk about the assignment operator and this is going to give us the ability to perform a calculation while we're performing assignment.

Not CompletedDecimal vs Float in Python

If you remember back to when we talked about the numeric data types in python I told you that there is a very important caveat when working with decimals and that is if you want to perform advanced calculations that need to be very precise than using the floating point number is not going to be your best option.

Not CompletedHow to Convert Between the Integer, Float, Decimal and Complex Numeric Data Types in Python

In this section of numbers in Python, we've talked about not only numbers from a high-level perspective and some of the functions associated with them. Such as how to run calculations and elements like that. But we've also talked about the sub data types within numbers such as integers and floats and different elements like that and usually, Python is going to manage the process of converting those for you automatically.

Not CompletedOverview of Popular Math Functions in Python

So far in this section on Python numbers we've walked through how we can work with the various number types in python so how we can perform computations how we can view the data types. The order of operations and different elements like that. And that is all very important foundational knowledge.


Python Numbers
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