TypeScript Development

Introduction and System Configuration

This section explains what TypeScript is, the benefits to using TypeScript, along with how to install it and get it running on your system.

Basic Syntax and Structure

This section walks through the basic syntax and structure for working with the TypeScript programming language.

TypeScript Closures

This section contains guides that walk through how to work with closures in the TypScript programming language.

Object Oriented Programming in TypeScript

After completing this section you will be able to understand how TypeScript works with object oriented programming, including the topics of: classes, interfaces, and working with 'this'.

Asynchronous Development in TypeScript

This section of the course works through the concept of asynchronous development, including walking through: an overview of asynchronous programming, callbacks, promises, and best practices.

TypeScript Decorators

This section will explain how to work with TypeScript decorators, focusing on how to layer custom functionality on top of classes and functions.

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