Introduction to JavaScript in the Browser

Not CompletedHow to Run JavaScript Scripts in the Browser Console

One of the key reasons why javascript has become one of the most popular languages in the developer community over the past decade is because javascript is one of the only languages that can be processed by browsers.

Not CompletedComparison of Chrome's Command Line API vs Vanilla JavaScript

In this guide, we're going to learn how to work with the command line API in the Chrome browser. If you utilize a different browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox then they have similar tools but if you're following along I highly recommend that you do it in Chrome so that the exact commands that I enter will also work for you.

Not CompletedHow to Process JavaScript from a File in the Browser

So far in this section of the course, we've examined how the browser processes javascript but we've pretty much kept all of our code inside of the browser itself. If you're building out large programs then that is not going to work because that JavaScript is going to run in the browser but then as soon as it's done it's simply going to disappear because it's only kept in memory by the browser. If you're building out a program you need to keep your code in files.

Not CompletedHow to Create Custom Code Snippets in VS Code

In this guide, we're going to walk through how we can create custom code snippets in vs code. This is going to be a fun exercise because one of my favorite parts of the development process is being able to find fun ways of making my work flow even more efficient.

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