Overview of the Elements of a UML Deployment Diagram
In this section we're going to walk through the deployment diagram. Many times when I come to a project, the first task that is deciding the architecture for a system, that is exactly what deployment diagrams do.
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We're going to start this off by walking through the six elements that make up a deployment diagram;

  • Nodes
  • Components
  • Artifacts
  • Links
  • Dependencies
  • Associations.


The very first item is the node, it is one of the most important parts of the entire system. Essentially, every component of a deployment diagram is a node. Everything else is simply adding detail to that node or it's showing how the nodes are related to each other. The node itself is the actual real-world component. We have a web server and that web server has an angular front end system. We're going to go into the details of everything shortly but for right now just know that a node could be anything from a server to a database or it could be an API. It's anything that you can communicate with.



Now we're going to talk about components. There are a couple of different syntax options for components. The component is the kind of rounded rectangle storing the angular web service. A component could be an application, a web service, it could be the API itself or it could be a database, there are numerous things a component could be. Usually, it is the actual piece of software that manages communication and handles the business logic for the node that it resides on.


I also want to show you a separate syntax, the main reason is depending on the type of software that you use, you might have a couple of different options for showing and visualizing components. If you use something like an enterprise architect, your components inside a deployment diagram are going to look like this.


It's going to look like the host web server, either option is valid for you to use. Remember, the most important thing when working with UML is not to worry about all of the little details or getting every single symbol right. The most critical part is that you're able to visualize and represent your system in a way that makes sense to you and to all of the other stakeholders on the project.


The next item is the artifact. Artifacts are those items that are surrounded by the angle brackets (device and angular web service). When analyzing a deployment diagram, if I want to see what type of server I'm going to deploy or the type of application that I'm going to configure, these are the items that I look at.


Right here I would be able to look at that bottom component and know that the server needs to work with angular, I would need to install a node, NPM, and other dependencies. If it said Rail's web service, then there would be different items that I would have to install.

This artifact is very descriptive, it will tell the architect how everything needs to be configured. You can also pass other parameters, just like you see at the very top. We have an artifact called "device" followed by a :webServer Interface which is also followed by {OS=Linux}.

This is a formal way of defining the type of server and the type of device in UML. There are times where I see them say "server" and then Linux and a version. I met with a number of other software engineers to make sure that I am presenting it in a way that conforms to the UML standard. One of the requests they had was to show you this formal type of interface for naming.


Now we have links. The links are those lines that are connecting each one of the nodes. We have a link from the angular front end to the authentication system. We have a link between the front end and the rails API and then we have a link between the API and the authentication system. That's a way of showing how each one of the nodes is connected.



Dependencies put a twist on what links do. Links connect our items, if we want to be more specific, we can add dependencies. Dependencies are represented by that dotted line with arrows going in the direction of the node. It shows what other nodes it depends on. At a cursory glance, you'd be able to look at this and understand that the angular front end depends on the auth system and it also depends on the API. The API depends on the auth system and you can see that simply by knowing that it's a dotted line with arrows going to each one of those other nodes.



The association element is very similar to the link and the dependency. It is a way of connecting all of the nodes and showing how they're associated. In this case, we have an entire system that represents how a user and an API can connect with a web application that leverages a load balancer. We're not going to focus on how load balancers work, however, by looking at this system you can tell that a load balancer can take in a request from the Internet and then maps that to various applications servers.


When I see something like this, it's helpful for me to understand what has to be done from a deployment strategy. I know that I'm going to:

  • set up and clone various application servers
  • they're going to communicate with database clusters
  • there's going to have to be a load balancer that can manage all of the incoming traffic and pass that to the server.

I'm going to have to set up a number of items that this deployment diagram essentially gives me a recipe for.

So that is the full set of the core elements used in deployment diagrams. In the next guide, we'll take a deep dive into a real-world scenario.