Generating the API Application with the Vue CLI
In this first lesson, we're going to generate the application here using the Vue CLI.
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I'm going start in Visual Studio code and then by pressing control + ~ I'm going to open up the terminal, navigate to the route that you want to place the project in.

I have a code directory that I'm going to put this in. Now I'll say vue init webpack vue-api-app. Now this is going to go and it's going to download the template and start asking me some questions.


So this is going to install all of the dependencies, or I should say it's going to attempt to install all of them. If you remember back to the last project, I mentioned how I have had a number of times where it will fail during this installation process, so if it gives any errors then we can simply change into the directory and then run that install process again.

So I'm going to fast forward this part of the video and then we'll come back and get back to building the app. It looks like everything worked. We didn't get any errors so let's attempt to run this.

go into your app and then say npm run dev and if everything installed properly this should build and then allow us to view it in the browser at localhost:8080.


Our app is live, so we're good to go. So now that we have our baseline application we're going to now start building out the first couple components.

I'll see you in the next video.
