React Project 5 Overview - Property Management Application
Hey, welcome back to the react course. In these guides, we will be building out the Property Management Application.
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So over here on my Trello Board here I have access to the design which will be in the guide notes below. It is a link to that design and if I click on that and if you click on it we will be brought to this design here That shows us what our app is going to be.


So we have a login here and we have a couple options here for forgot password and not a member. We're going to have a bunch of functionality in this app. If you click on this button down here we will be brought up with this so there's a whole bunch of features in this application and it is going to teach us a lot about React. So the first thing we have to sign up and what this is going to teach us is a lot of authentication. We won't be building the backend for the signup but we will be accessing the backend and we will be dealing with tokens for authentication when we need to use specific routes on our API for other features such as the newsletter. So we'll learn a little bit of authentication there and a little bit about high order components.

Then in admin newsletter here it kind of ties back into the signup thing and we'll be learning a lot about how we can 1) again use of highwater components and 2) we will be using our token we receive from the API when we sign in and using it to basically tell us that we can view this content. If we don't have a token we can view it. So we'll be learning a little bit more about auth there and same goes for this one the admin requests. Basically, we want to protect these routes by using a token. Another form of authentication is using cookies but we won't be using a cookie in this in this app we'll be using token-based authentication.

So another thing we'll be learning about is permissions with the user permission. So there's going to be two types of accounts you may have already noticed we have admin on some of these and then we have we have a user on some of these. So like we have admin we have user newsletter, user request and same thing up here admin requests and admin newsletters so basically we'll be learning how to use specific types of accounts that will basically allow us to have different sets of actions you can see that admin has a lot more functionality the admin can add and remove a lot of different things that the user can't do much of. The way we're going to approach this course is by first completely building out all of the functionality before we build out any of the styles. This will allow us to really focus on the logic behind this and pure React Javascript Code. So we don't get lost up in the styles and because the styles will take a while to build out themselves so we want to focus on specific things as we go through the course and not jump around places.

So the first thing you'll be learning how to do is build this sign in set of components and learn how to build out the form using Redux form and then we will learn how to access our API where we will receive our token and then we'll be able to log in and that's about it for our sign in. After we build out the sign in what we'll do is we will then head on to will skip Admin stuff here and we'll move to our user newsletter and user requests and basically we will kind of go from there. So that's just a little overview of the application. Let's go ahead and get started with it the next video where we will generate our application using the js generate command in our terminal. So I'll catch you in the next guide.

