Addition Methods in Ruby
In this guide you will learn how to build a method using loops and recursion.
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Complete the Exercise


Build a method using a for loop, while loop and recursion that can sum numbers.

Exercise Description

"Define a method that can sum up numbers using a for loop, while loop and recursion.

Example Data

'total = Summer.for_sum([1, 4, 11, 42, 12, 21])'
-> expect(total).to eq(91)
'total = Summer.while_sum([4, 11, 42, 12, 21])'
-> expect(total).to eq(90)
'total = Summer.recursive_sum([900, 4, 11, 42, 12, 21])'
-> expect(total).to eq(990)

Real World Usage

This exercise will help you use loops and recursion on various addition methods.

Test Cases

Code File