Store the Last Five Lines in an Array in Ruby
In this guide, you will learn how to retrieve some content from a file and store it in an array for later use.
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Complete the Exercise


Build a method that finds and stores content in an array.

Exercise Description

Define a method that can retrieve the last 5 lines from a file and put them in an array.

Example Data

  "Satisfied with Smile Dental? Review us on Yelp!",
  "How was your service at ZenSpa?",
  "Thanks for visiting! Here’s a link to submit your review",
  "Please share your experience with us!",
  "Let’s be friends—Like and Review us on Facebook!"

Real World Usage

Once you understand how to find and store information in an array, it can then be used for other implementations. This is a fairly simple concept to grasp and can be used for various situations.

Test Cases

Code File