
Not CompletedCollection Alternator Method in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to build a method using the collection alternator method.

Not CompletedLargest Number Combination in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to combine numbers to the largest possible number.

Not CompletedAlphabet Checker Method in Ruby

In this guide you will be writing a method that will tell you wether each letter of the alphabet is used in a sentence.

Not CompletedPercent Formatting Class in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to create a class called Percent Formatting.

Not CompletedHash Randomizer in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to use the hash randomizer.

Not CompletedBaggage Claim Program in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to make a baggage claim program in ruby.

Not CompletedSql Generator With An Auto Incrementor in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to create a dynamic number of sql insert commands with an auto incrementor.

Not CompletedString Values in Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to build a string from a collection and put it in single quotes around each element.

Not CompletedCreating Map Method in Ruby

In this guide you will alter and return values in a collection for the Array class.

Not CompletedReplicating The Each Method Ruby

In this guide you will learn how to replicate the functionality of the each method.

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