
Not CompletedDecember 20 - Parsing a String with Multiple Matches

Build a program that utilizes regular expressions to extract specific set integers from a string in Ruby.

Not CompletedDecember 21 - Reversing the Words in a String

In today's coding exercise the task is to reverse the words in a string, where words are separated by one or more spaces.

Not CompletedDecember 22 - Mapping Array Data in Ruby

In this coding exercise we walk through how to map array data in Ruby, and specifically how we can build a method that takes in an unlimited number of arrays by leveraging the splat operator.

Not CompletedDecember 23 - How to Generate an Array of Random Numbers in Ruby

In this coding exercise I walk through a TDD process for implementing an Array generator that contains random numbers in a specific range.

Not CompletedDecember 24 - Efficiently Finding the Largest Item in an Array in Ruby

In this coding exercise, we walk through how to efficiently find the largest item in an array. Additionally, we examine how to implement performance tests to compare two different implementation options.

Not CompletedDecember 25 - Create an Immutable Array in Ruby

In this coding exercise you'll learn how to create an immutable array in Ruby.

Not CompletedDecember 26 - Finding Leap Years in Ruby

This Ruby coding exercise walks through how to calculate leap years in Ruby, specifically how to list out all of the leap years in the 20th century.

Not CompletedDecember 27 - Creating a Palindrome Method in Ruby

In this coding exercise we'll walk through how to properly create a palindrome method in Ruby, including a discussion on working with case insensitive comparisons.

Not CompletedDecember 28 - Create an Array Converter Method

This ruby coding exercise tests your ability to convert multiple arrays and the data inside of them. The solution also covers how to effectively work with blocks in Ruby.

Not CompletedDecember 29 - Building Bubble Sort From Scratch

This coding exercise walks through how to implement the Bubble Sort algorithm in Ruby and how to add it to the built in Array class.

Not CompletedDecember 30 - Converting a Hash to a URL Friendly String

This coding exercise walks through how to convert a Ruby hash to a URL friendly string, including how to organize the parameters.

Not CompletedDecember 31 - Build a Currency Converter in Ruby

In this coding exercise you'll learn how to build a currency converter method in Ruby, including how to utilize advanced string interpolation.

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