
Not CompletedJanuary 21 - Build a Multiplication Table Generator in Ruby

This coding exercise will test your ability to work with various data structures while performing mathematical calculations as you build a dynamic multiplication table generator in Ruby.

Not CompletedJanuary 22 - Build a Tip Calculator in Ruby that Can Accept Multiple Data Types as Input

In this coding exercise we'll build out an extensive tip calculator that can accept integers, string based numbers and even words to dynamically generate a tip.

Not CompletedJanuary 23 - Create and Deploy a RubyGem

Taking a different approach than normal exercises, in this coding exercise we're going to create and a deploy a RubyGem to rubygems.or.

Not CompletedJanuary 24 - Build a User Class that Can Be Passed a Block to Set Its Values

In this Ruby coding exercise your knowledge of blocks will be tested. The requirement is to build a User class that can be created and passed a block to set its values in addition to the traditional process for setting an object's data.

Not CompletedJanuary 25 - Using Blocks to Dynamically Format Content in Ruby

This coding exercise will test your knowledge of how to use blocks in Ruby. Specifically, we'll walk through how to build a method that can take in a block as an argument and output an array of formatted values.

Not CompletedJanuary 26 - Build a URL Parsing Method that Converts Links in Strings into HTML Link Tags

This coding exercise will test your knowledge of how to utilize regular expressions in order to dynamically convert strings in Ruby.

Not CompletedJanuary 27 - Replicate the Rails image_tag Method in Ruby

This exercise asks you to replicate the functionality of the popular image_tag method provided by the Ruby on Rails framework.

Not CompletedJanuary 28 - Calculate the Number of Days Between Two Days in Ruby

This coding exercise focuses on how to perform date calculations. Specifically, you'll need to find the total number of days that have transpired between Christmas day in 2016 and July 1, 2004 (approximately when Rails when released as an open source project).

Not CompletedJanuary 29 - Implementing the Null Object Pattern in Ruby

This coding exercise will test your ability to implement a basic version of the Null Object Pattern in Ruby.

Not CompletedJanuary 30 - Using the Retry Method inside of a Ruby Rescue Block

In this coding exercise you'll learn how to automatically retry a failed process in a Ruby program.

Not CompletedJanuary 31 - Create a Range of Months Using the Ruby Date Library

This coding exercise is deceptively easy. The goal is to implement a method that returns an array with the full set of month names. However in order to properly build the solution you'll need to use the Ruby Date library.

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