Finding Palindromes in Ruby
In this guide You will learn how to return palindromes of a given size.
Guide Tasks
- Read Tutorial
- Complete the Exercise
Build out a method that will return all palindromes of a given size.
Exercise Description
"Build out a method that will return all palindromes of a given size and return an empty array if the given size of the palindrome is not found."
Example Data
'str = 'I am going to jump into my racecar and see tacocat' str_with_different_cases = 'Time to jump into my racEcAr and see Tacocat' ' ->expect(all_palindromes(7, str)).to eq(['racecar', 'tacocat']) expect(all_palindromes(7, str_with_different_cases)).to eq(['racEcAr', 'Tacocat']) expect(all_palindromes(1, str)).to eq(['I'])
Real World Usage
This exercise will help you in real world applications because its important to be able to return all desired data from a search, even in the data as a whole has some uniq attributes.