Portfolio Manager Build Out

Not CompletedOverview of React Refs to Clear the Form and Image Uploaders

As you may have noticed, whenever we submit a form on our portfolio, nothing changes on the form so we're able to add the callback so that we could update the sidebar list.

Not CompletedCreating a Form Input Mixin

I know the last two guides have been more on the challenging side, so let's take a step back and let's have a little bit of a break and update some of these form styles.

Not CompletedHow to Implement Custom Select and Textarea Styles

Now that we have our basic text inputs in place, we can go and update the styles for our select list and also our text area, so that's what we're gonna do in this guide.

Not CompletedBuilding CSS Grid Styles for the Portfolio Form

Now that we have all of the main components in place and they have the core styles we're looking for, now we are going to update the grid so that it can match the final version.

Not CompletedUpdating the Dropzone Labels with Child Components to Finalize the Form

This is gonna be a great guide. You have worked very hard, you've gone through a couple of dozen videos in order to build out what we have here in our portfolio form.

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