Dissecting Vue JS Course Introduction and Initial Project Generation

Not CompletedGenerating the Dev Workflow Application with the Vue CLI

Welcome to the dissecting Vue JS course. Where we're going to build out a very fun project. And we're going to learn how we can work with the Vue JavaScript library and framework as we build the project.

Not CompletedExploring the Role of the node_modules Directory in a Vue JS App

In this lesson, we're gonna start by going through the file system and seeing exactly what the Vue CLI created for us when we generated the app.

Not CompletedAnalyzing Vue's Public Directory

In this lesson, we're gonna walk through the public directory. This is gonna be a shorter episode, and it's because we only have a couple files located inside of this directory.

Not CompletedOverview of the Vue JS Components and Views Directories

Now that we've walked through the node modules directory, which represents all of our applications dependencies, and we've also looked at the public directory to see the entry point for our application.

Not CompletedUnderstanding the Role of the App.vue, main.js, router.js, and store.js Files in a Vue Application

Now that we've discussed the components directory, the assets, and the views, let's talk about a very component called the App.vue component.

Not CompletedReview of Vue JS Configuration Files Located at the Root of the File System

Now that we've completed going through the source directory, it's time to go through a few of these application configuration files that you see here, and you can see they're located at the root of the project.

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