Introduction to the Python Programming Language

Not CompletedPython Course Introduction

Hi and welcome to this course on Python programming. We have a very large course that is going to cover all kinds of different components when it comes to learning the Python programming language.

Not CompletedWhat is Programming?

Now that you have a high-level understanding of what you can do with the Python programming language and how it's being used to build businesses and applications in the real world. I want to take a step back and talk about programming in general and talk about what we're doing when we're programming a computer.

Not CompletedHow to Use for Running Python in the Browser

Following up on our discussion on what is programming and essentially programming comes down to giving a computer instructions that it can follow in order to implement behavior.

Not CompletedHow to Install Python 3 on a Mac

In this lesson, we're going to walk through how to install Python 3 on your Macintosh computer if you are working on some other computers such as Windows or Linux. Then you can skip ahead because this is going to apply only to the Mac operating system.

Not CompletedHow to Install Python 3 on a PC

In this guide, we're going to walk through the python 3 installation guide if you were working from a Windows machine and you want to run your python scripts locally.

Not CompletedBasic Usage Tips and Tricks for the Python Repl

In the last guide, we installed the Python programming language on a Windows machine and also opened up the command prompt in order to make sure that our installation went through properly.

Not CompletedIntroduction to the Zen of Python (PEP 20)

In this lesson, we're going to take an introductory look into the Zen of Python.

Not CompletedDifferences Between Python Versions 2 vs 3

So far in this section, we've talked about a number of attributes of the Python programming language. We've talked about what it is how to use it how it can be used in industry and we've also referenced some of the key best practices.

Not CompletedOverview of Indentation in Python Programs

In this lesson, we're going to examine how python works with indentation. And then we're also going to discuss best practices in the Python community when it comes to how you should structure and style your python programs.

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