Basic Syntax and Structure

Not CompletedBuilding a Hello World Program in TypeScript

In this guide we'll walk through how to build a Hello World application in TypeScript, including how to integrate a tsconfig file for running TypeScript code.

Not CompletedHow to Use Variables in TypeScript

This guide walks through how to use variables in TypeScript, specifically we examine how to work with the: var, let, and const variable types and how they each have a specific role in development.

Not CompletedString Interpolation in TypeScript

This guide examines how to work with string interpolation using back ticks in TypeScript.

Not CompletedOverview of Types in TypeScript

In this guide we will walk through the key types that are used in TypeScript programs.

Not CompletedCreating a Type Alias in TypeScript

This guide walks through how to create a type alias in a TypeScript program.

Not CompletedHow to Use Union Types in TypeScript

In this guide you'll learn how to implement Union Types in TypeScript, which allow for variables and aliases to have multiple data types assigned to them.

Not CompletedTypeScript Arithmetic Operators

This guide examines how to use arithmetic operators in the TypeScript programming language.

Not CompletedGuide to TypeScript Conditionals

In this guide we'll walk through how to use conditionals in the TypeScript programming language.

Not CompletedTypeScript Conditional Operators

This guide examines the full list of TypeScript conditional operators that allow for managing data flow in programs.

Not CompletedCompound Conditionals in TypeScript

In this guide you'll learn how to use compound conditionals in TypeScript programs, including how to work with the: and, or and not programming mechanisms.

Not CompletedTypeScript Loops

This guide explains how to work with loops in TypeScript, including: while loops, for in, and for of.

Not CompletedIntroduction to TypeScript Functions

This guide provides an introduction to functions and specifically the syntax for how to create functions in the TypeScript programming language.

Not CompletedWorking with TypeScript Function Arguments

This guide analyzes how to work with function arguments in a TypeScript program. This includes a walk through of: optional, default, and rest arguments.

Not CompletedTypeScript Arrow Functions

Learn how to work with arrow functions in the TypeScript programming language.


Basic Syntax and Structure
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