Installing and Configuring Python's Anaconda Framework and Spyder IDE
When it comes to implementing machine learning algorithms it can be very helpful to have a set of tools that allow you to take advantage of the full feature set that the algorithms have to offer.
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In this guide, we're going to walk through how to install the Anaconda framework and then the spider IED.


And so the reason why we're doing this is because if you just wrote all of your python code in a regular text editor then you'd have to build a number of features in order to get tools such as visualization. So if you wanted to implement for example linear regression and then you wanted to build a chart off of it you would present to clients or in your company then you would have a lot of work that you'd have to do not just for the algorithm itself but also for being able to show the data that it generates.

What anaconda does is it has those kinds of features built directly into it. So it gives a full framework that can generate visualizations and can allow you to work with data and those kinds of things and it's all built in and it's also free. So it is a very powerful tool and you're going to find that many data scientists and machine learning developers choose it when they're building out their own machine learning program. To get started go to and click on download.


Now depending on the operating system that you're on navigate to that installer. So if you're on Mac it should automatically pick out which operating system you're on and if you're on Mac come and select download in whatever Python 3 version option that is there, if you're on Windows do the same thing.

Now when you do that it's going to go through the traditional download steps. Now I use Anaconda and spider on my own system so I'm not going to re-download it. But all you have to do is literally just click on download open up the installer and you can go with all of the defaults so there's nothing specific that you're going to have to change.

Now if you do run into any issues I highly recommend clicking on the link right here that says how to install Anaconda


and this will take you to the documentation and it gives you a number of step by step instructions.


And so if you run into any issues whatsoever I highly recommend looking at these and they also have it separated out by which operating system that you download it for. So I would recommend that you would go run through the basic install of that pause the video and then when you come back we're going to walk through how to open it up and then also how to work with the spider IDE.

So if you went through that process you should now have Anaconda installed on your system. So the very first thing in order to get it running is to go and find where it was installed on the system. If you're on a Mac you can just type Command + Space and that's going to bring up the spotlight search. And I can just start typing in Anaconda.


If you're on a windows you can go down to your start menu and do the same thing and you may see a few different programs called Anaconda. You want the one that is Anaconda navigator. So quick return when you find it and then that is going to open up the Anaconda navigator program.

Now that that's up you should see a window that looks something like this.


Now depending on whatever version you're using it might look a little bit different but as long as you have this little spider icon right here on the right then that is all you need because that's what we're going to be using throughout this course and it's actually what I use even for my own programs that I build out for clients and for work and so if you click on launch this is going to launch spider.

And now spider is the IDE and that stands for Integrated Development Environment. So that is going to allow us to type our python code, run our programs, see our visualization all inside of one program it's a very powerful tool and it's something that I think you'll get quite a bit out of.

So I'm going to clear out the last set of code that I was working on and I'm going to stretch this from side to side just so we are taking up all the space on the screen and depending on what version you have or your operating system you may or may not see a setup that looks like this where you have a text editor here on the left-hand side. And then you have the file explore on the top-right. And then your object Inspector center-right and then the IPython console bottom-right.


Now if you do not have that that's perfectly fine just simply go up top into the view and then that is going to give you access to see each one of those items. And so you're going to want to have the file explorer you're going to want to have the object Inspector the IPython console and that's different than just the regular console.

So IPython that's going to allow us to run some more advanced scripts than just a traditional one and then the text editor and this is where the code we write is going to go. So just have your system set up so it looks something like this and you'll be able to follow along.

Now in order to make sure that this is all working then I'm going to enlarge the text here and I'm doing that by just typing command + on a Mac and I can type print and inside of here just write regular python so I can say Hi there. And the way that you can run the code here is you can highlight the lines that you want to run and then just type command return on a Mac. And I believe it's control return on the PC and if you run this you can see right here on the bottom right-hand side in the IPython console that it printed out. Hi there.


And so as long as you get that output and you don't get any errors right here that means that you have the system installed and you are ready to start building machine learning programs.