Redis Commands

Not CompletedSET and GET Commands in Redis

In this section of the course, we're going to walk through some of the most common types of `redis` commands that are available.

Not CompletedKey Structure Design in Redis

When I was first learning about redis. I was a little bit confused on how I could structure my keys in a way that they could actually be useful. So if you're used to working with say a SQL database then it's pretty common that you will have an ID column some way of making that unique. And so when you want to reference the specific record you know what your path to that record is going to be. You have one item you know is going to be unique in that table.

Not CompletedIncrementing and Decrementing Values in Redis

So far in the section on redis commands, we've talked about `set` and `get`. And we've also talked about developing a strategy for how we can name our keys.

Not CompletedGuide to Deleting in Redis with the DEL Command

In this guide, we're going to walk through how to delete items inside of redis. Now this is going to be one of the most standard ways of being able to delete records.

Not CompletedHow to Check if a Key Has Been Set in Redis

In applications that utilize redis a very common task that needs to be performed is checking to see if a key exists or not. Now technically you could just use the get command and if it returns an element then it means that the key exists and if it returns nil then it means that key did not exist.

Not CompletedHow to Expire a Key in Redis

In this guide, we're going to talk about the expire command inside of redis and I want to start off by showing you a real world example of when you would use expire.

Not CompletedGuide to Overriding a Keys Value with GETSET

So far throughout this course as we have analyzed the various redis commands we've typically been treating every key as if it was unique and there are going to be many times where that's the case such as using a key for a specific kind of, say a page or if you're using caching or some other type of key where you need to make sure that it's going to be unique to a certain instance.

Not CompletedHow to Query for Key Names with the KEYS Pattern Command in Redis

So far in this course, we've talked quite a bit about how we can work with keys inside of redis. However one thing we haven't really talked about is how we can search for keys.


Redis Commands
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