Elements of Design for UI

Not CompletedHow to Analyze Typography for Software Systems

In this section of the course, we're going to get into UI design elements. In this very first guide, we're going to be talking about typography. This is something that I've personally seen as I've worked on projects especially a few of the projects lately where this seems like it's not a big deal until it's not done right.

Not CompletedStrategies for Building a UI Color Scheme

As we continue on in this section on the elements of design for user interfaces in this guide we're going to talk about colors and how we can use colors how we can pick them out and we're also going to get into some very practical sides on when we've had a few examples where the color was more than just something that looked pretty color actually determined parts of the user experience and how we have.

Not CompletedGuide to Whitespace

In this guide we're going to get into another element of design: whitespace. This is something that I know is very near and dear to your heart, Jesse, because when we've discussed this, you've said if there is one thing that developers do not get about UI, in general, it is whitespace.


Elements of Design for UI
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