Project Planning

Not CompletedPlanning the Prime Objective of an Application

Hi, and welcome to this guide where we're going to find the prime objective in a UX project.

Not CompletedGuide to User Stories and Analyzing a Feature List

Hi, and welcome back to this UX course for developers.

Not CompletedHow to Create Effective Sitemaps

So far, we've talked about user stories and finding prime objectives.

Not CompletedHow to Design Low Fidelity Wireframes

We've talked about how you can build your diagrams to show pages and what the user flow is, and how you integrate that from the user stories. Now we're taking it one step further with low fidelity wireframes.

Not CompletedGuide to UX Mockups

In the last guide, we walked through the concept of wireframing, and specifically low fidelity wireframes. Those allow us to capture a high level view of the system and see the way pages flow, the user interactions and gestures, and where different components on the page are going to be placed. They don't have much detail.

Not CompletedUX Skill Development

So far in this course we've talked about what you should be discussing with your clients or stakeholders in the beginning, all the way through when you actually design the system.


Project Planning
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