Guide to Vue CLI for Vue JS Standalone Applications

Not CompletedInstalling the Vue CLI and Generating a Webpack Based Application

In this section of the course we're going to take a deep dive into the vues CLI tool and we're going to learn how we can build standalone vue projects.

Not CompletedHow a SPA (Single Page Application) Works and How to Import Images into a Vue JS Project

Now that we have the Vue CLI installed and we've also generated our first application, I think it'd be really helpful to take a look at it and see how a standard Vue application is structured, and we'll start digging into the file structure.

Not CompletedOverview of Vue JS Components

In the last guide we saw how we could import an image file and then render that onto the screen by using the assets directory, and how we're able to traverse through the entire file system and have access to all those details. Now what I want to do now is to keep moving up the chain.

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