Vue API Project

Not CompletedVue API Project Overview

Welcome to the next project in the Vue js developer course. In this project we're going to build out a API driven search engine.

Not CompletedGenerating the API Application with the Vue CLI

In this first lesson, we're going to generate the application here using the Vue CLI.

Not CompletedCreating the Homepage and Search Results Components in Vue

Now that our Vue application has been generated, in this guide, we're going to create the two components that we're going to be working with throughout this project and I'm also going to show you my own personal workflow and a couple of shortcuts that I use.

Not CompletedAdding a Route for Search Results in the Vue API App

In the last guide we built our two view components and we called one of them from our router.

Not CompletedGuide to Passing Params Between Components and Introduction to Lifecycle Methods in Vue

Now that we have our components and our routes set up we're ready to start building out the functionality for our home page. We want to set this up so that we can search for something and have it take us to our search results page.

Not CompletedIntegrating Axios in a Vue Component to Communicate with an Outside API

This is going to be a really fun guide. In this guide we're finally going to connect to an outside API service, and we're going to pull real data in from another application.

Not CompletedHow to Parse API JSON Data in Vue

In the last guide, we were able to successfully bring in the data elements from the Daily Smarty API and render them on the screen. This is giving us just the raw JSON data. What we're going to do now is see how we can parse through this.

Not CompletedGuide to Passing Params in an API Query in Vue with Axios

Now that you've seen how to go out use Axios to communicate with outside APIs, I think this is a good time to extend that knowledge and see how we can pass parameters to those APIs.

Not CompletedBuilding a Second Input to Query the Daily Smarty API

So now that we're successfully calling the search API, we are passing parameters and we're getting the data back. Now I think it's time to start rendering it on the screen. So let's see what we need to do in order to make that happen.

Not CompletedApplying Styles to the Vue API Project Homepage

Now that we have the basic functionality built out for our application, we are now going to implement the styles that are going to make it look much better as well as making the user experience a little bit more intuitive.

Not CompletedStyle Implementation for the Search Results Component in the Vue API App

In the last guide, we built out the initial styles for the home page, and it looks good, but our results page really needs a lot of work. We are going to apply the styles that we've built out in our front-end implementation course and we're going to take the HTML file and we're going to integrate it in.

Not CompletedAdding Final Styles to the API Search Result Component in Vue

As I mentioned in the last guide, our goal now is going to be to add content for these links. But we don't actually have these titles so we're just going to have the urls.

Not CompletedOrganizing Component CSS Styles and Integrating Font Awesome Unicode Icons in Vue

In this lesson, we're going to reorganize our styles so that they are scoped appropriately, so we need to sort through the different styles being called in our application and move them so that they are in their proper places.

Not CompletedFinal UX Features for the Vue JS API App

In this lesson, we're going to add a few finishing touches to our program.

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