How to Install Python 3 on a PC
In this guide, we're going to walk through the python 3 installation guide if you were working from a Windows machine and you want to run your python scripts locally.
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Now, you're going to start off by going to

I recommend getting the latest stable release, which is 3.6.4. However, you might see some other versions such as 3.7 and other various options here.

The reason I recommend getting the latest stable version is because some differences between versions may cause more issues than solutions. The most suitable choice would be to choose the topmost option. If you want to look more into what specific changes between versions are, it will tell you upon clicking.

If you're new to language design and/or programming, every programming language has a version. Developers will create each new feature that the industry may need or they will implement security patches, etc. Here, you are able to view what each of these allows you to do. By scrolling down, you can see all the options of downloadable files.


Here, will be a Windows help file and the embeddable zip file. Install with the installer as shown below:


Click on this and it's going to ask if you want to run the Python 360 AMD installer from

This is slightly specific to the operating system and chips you have. However, I am hitting run to download the whole package. It will run a security scan, and once finished, will open the Python 3.0.6 installer. Upon clicking “install now”, the security check will ensure that you want to run the installer. From there, it will begin installing Python for Windows.

If everything goes through, it will install successfully. To test it out, hit the Windows key and search for “CMD” for the command prompt. It will bring it up as below:


Now, you should be able to type in “Python” to see it is now working.


One difference between having a Mac and Windows PC is that on a Mac, you must explicitly type in “Python 3”, but on a Windows PC, the word “Python” is all you need. Here, we have access to Python 3.6.4 and the Repl. To test this out, we can say to print “hi” from Windows and wrap it. If running properly, it should appear as below:
