Angular 2 Development

Not CompletedHello Angular 2

This guide provides step by step instructions for how to create your first Angular 2 application and how to build a homepage component that can be navigated to in the browser.

Not CompletedWorking with Browser Sync

In this lesson you'll learn what Browser Sync is along with how modules are stored inside of an Angular 2 application.

Not CompletedCreating the App Component

This guide examines how to refactor the Angular application so that it utilizes a master app component that the rest of the application can work with.

Not CompletedIntroduction to Angular 2 Routing

This guide walks through an introduction to routing in Angular 2 applications, including what libraries to work with in order to allow users to navigate from page to page.

Not CompletedHow to Create View Files in Angular 2

Learn how to create separate view files in Angular 2 to organize HTML code into its own file that can communicate with Angular components.


Angular 2 Development
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