
Not CompletedFebruary 1 - Efficiently Performing Calculations on a Large Data Collection in Ruby

In this coding exercise we'll examine how lazy loading can help us perform calculations on a large data collection.

Not CompletedFebruary 2 - Building an Interval Timer Method in Ruby

This coding exercise tests your ability to create an interval timer method in Ruby that runs a process at any interval passed to the method. Additionally, the method needs to be able to take a block.

Not CompletedFebruary 3 - Building a CSV File Generator in Pure Ruby

This coding exercise will walk through how you can build a CSV file generator that will allow you to export data that can be viewed in applications such as Microsoft Excel.

Not CompletedFebruary 4 - Build a CSV File Parsing System in Ruby

This coding exercise will walk through how to work with CSV files and convert a file's content into Ruby collections that you can utilize.

Not CompletedFebruary 5 - Build an Index-Based Array to Hash Converter in Ruby

This coding exercise walks through how to build a method that converts an array to a hash, with the index value of the array elements becoming the hash keys and the values being the array elements.

Not CompletedFebruary 6 - Finding Elements Nested Inside Multiple Arrays in Ruby

This coding exercise tests your knowledge of iterating through nested arrays collections and implementing a basic search algorithm.

Not CompletedFebruary 7 - Cloning the Cycle Method in Ruby to Repeatedly Go Through an Array

This coding exercise examines how to iterate through the same array a variable number of times and return a collection that contains the full set of elements that were looped through.

Not CompletedFebruary 8 - Manually Removing Duplicates from an Array in Ruby

Learn how to manually remove duplicates from an array in Ruby without using the uniq method.

Not CompletedFebruary 9 - Customizing the Ruby Sort Method to Force an Element to the End of the Sorted Array

This guide walks through how to alter the built in Ruby sort method so that it forces a specific element to be placed at the end of a sorted array.

Not CompletedFebruary 10 - Sort a Collection of Struct Objects by One of Their Attributes in Ruby

In this guide we'll examine how to implement the sort_by method in order to sort a collection of Ruby struct objects by a specific attribute.

Not CompletedFebruary 11 - Building a Sort Method that Ignores Preceding Values

This guide examines the process needed for building a sorting mechanism that ignores preceding values such as bullet points.

Not CompletedFebruary 12 - Sum an Array of String Based Integers in Ruby

This guide examines an efficient process for summing an array filled with string based integers in Ruby.

Not CompletedFebruary 13 - Build a Histogram of Integer Counts in Ruby

This guide examines how to build a histogram in Ruby that takes in an Array of integers and returns a Hash that counts the number of occurrences of each integer.

Not CompletedFebruary 14 - Remove Vowels from an Array in Ruby

In this guide we'll examine how to remove all of the vowels from an array in Ruby by leveraging regular expressions.

Not CompletedFebruary 15 - Generating a Sum of Prime Numbers in Ruby

This guide walks through how to generate a sum of prime numbers in Ruby.

Not CompletedFebruary 16 - Build a Breadcrumb Generator in Ruby

This guide walks through how to build a breadcrumb generator that converts an array to a slash separated string.

Not CompletedFebruary 17 - How to Sort the Keys of a Hash in Ruby

This guide walks through how to work with Ruby hashes, specifically how to sort through the keys by length.

Not CompletedFebruary 18 - Fibonacci Sequence Generator in Ruby

In this guide, we'll walk through how to generate the Fibonacci sequence in the Ruby programming language.

Not CompletedFebruary 19 - Calculate the Nth Fibonacci Number from a Sequence

This guide walks through how to work with the Fibonacci sequence and return the final from a list of Fibonacci numbers.

Not CompletedFebruary 20 - Markdown Heading Parser in Ruby with Heredocs

This guide examines how to parse a Ruby Heredoc object and convert any lines with a hashtag to HTML H1 headings.

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