February 11 - Building a Sort Method that Ignores Preceding Values
This guide examines the process needed for building a sorting mechanism that ignores preceding values such as bullet points.
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Watch Guide Video
  • Complete the Exercise
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Build a method that properly sorts an array of states, even when the elements contain additional preceding values

Exercise Description

Given the following array of strings:

['- AZ', 'KY', '* FL', '-- AR']

Build out a method that ignores the preceding values and simply sorts by the state values.

Expected Output

['-- AR', '- AZ', '* FL', 'KY']

Real World Usage

It's great when we have clean data to work with in a program. However, many applications require you to build out parsing tools that only extract the needed values. This exercise walks through how to parse an array of strings and return a properly sorted array.

Test Cases

Code File