February 23 - Find All Potential Products in Ruby
This guide examines how to properly find the full set of potential products in a Ruby collection.
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Watch Guide Video
  • Complete the Exercise
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Build a method that returns all of the divisible items of two integers.

Exercise Description

Implement a method that returns all of the potential products of two integers in Ruby up through a certain range.

Sample Input

1..120000 # range
200 # number 1
73 # number 2

Expected Output

[14600, 29200, 43800, 58400, 73000, 87600, 102200, 116800]

Real World Usage

This exercise will test your knowledge of how to work with the modulus operator and ranges. Additionally, you'll learn how to return a full collection of selected items.

Test Cases

Code File