
Not CompletedMarch 1 - Build an ATM Dispensing Method in Ruby

This guide walks through how to build out the common Ruby coding interview question: how to build out an ATM dispensing method.

Not CompletedMarch 2 - Find Graph Weights for a Mapping Application in Ruby

This guide walks through how to work with a mapping application and apply graph traversal techniques to find the distance for each weight in a graph.

Not CompletedMarch 3 - Building a Combination Lock Picker in Ruby

In this guide you'll learn how to build a method that returns the potential number of combinations associated with building a lock picking method, including both how to count the number of permutations and generating the full set of options.

Not CompletedMarch 4 - Implement Range Finder Method in Ruby

This guide examines how to find the range of values in an integer based array by returning an array that contains the high and low values.

Not CompletedMarch 5 - Duplicating Objects in Ruby by Leveraging Symbols

In this guide you'll walk through how to leverage symbols in Ruby in order to duplicate objects, including how they can share an object_id.

Not CompletedMarch 6 - Integrate a Helper Module in Ruby

This guide walks through how to integrate Ruby modules in order to add custom helper methods to a class.

Not CompletedMarch 7 - Build a Progress Tracking Class in Ruby

This guide walks through how to implement a progress tracking class in Ruby that can update a user's progress and dynamically update the overall percent completed.

Not CompletedMarch 8 - Use attr_extras Gem to Refactor a Ruby Class

This guide examines how to streamline a class definition in Ruby by using the attr_extras Ruby gem. This gem allows you to remove unnecessary boilerplate code when you define attributes in Ruby.

Not CompletedMarch 9 - Utilizing the Phone Gem to Create, Format, and Query Phone Numbers

Working with phone numbers, especially for International applications, can be a challenging task. In this guide we're going to walk through how to implement the popular Phone RubyGem in order to create, format, and work with phone numbers in a Ruby program.

Not CompletedMarch 10 - Using SimpleDelegator in Ruby to Implement the Decorator Pattern

There are a number of ways to implement the decorator design pattern in Ruby. In this guide we're going to examine how we can leverage the SimpleDelegator tool in Ruby to add additional functionality to a class.

Not CompletedMarch 11 - A Better Way to Query Hash Values in Ruby

Ruby offers a wide variety of solutions for many tasks. In this guide we're going to explore a more expressive process for querying hashes by leveraging the fetch method.

Not CompletedMarch 12 - Parse a String Based Date and Convert it Into a Ruby Date Object

Working with dates in web applications can pose a unique challenge, especially when working with multiple date formats. This guide focuses on how to convert string based strings in a specific format into a Ruby date object so that you can utilize it in your own program.

Not CompletedMarch 13 - Build a Score Tracking Program in Ruby

This guide examines a seemingly simple program, however in order to properly implement the solution you will be required to use a number of key Ruby programming techniques. In this exercise you'll build out a scoreboard program that generates an inning by inning score for a baseball team along with a dynamic total.

Not CompletedMarch 14 - How to Use Indention with Multiline Strings with the Squiggly Heredoc Syntax

Working with multiline strings in Ruby used to result in very odd looking code because heredocs required that you shift all of the string code so it was flush against the left hand side of the file. However, with modern versions of Ruby you are now able to utilize the squiggly heredoc syntax, which allows you to indent multiline strings in a file.

Not CompletedMarch 15 - Remove Anomalies in a Ruby Array

When working with large data sets, you'll discover that there are many times where your collections have anomalies that need to be removed. In this guide we'll walk through how to easily remove any values lower or higher than a range of values.

Not CompletedMarch 16 - Build an Array Method that Returns a List of Filenames for Specific File Types

Parsing file types can be a complex process. However, by leveraging the grep method you can leverage regular expressions to quickly return a full list of all of the file types that you're searching for.

Not CompletedMarch 17 - Build a File Type Hash Mapper in Ruby

Whether it's a complex coding interview question or algorithm implementation, there are many times where you will be asked to combine a large number of processes into a single feature. In this guide we'll examine how to build a non-trivial program that takes in an array of file names and generates a hash collection where each file type is the key and the value is an array of their respective file names.

Not CompletedMarch 18 - Working with Infinity in Ruby

Working with infinity can be a unique challenge in many different programming languages. Thankfully Ruby offers a helpful library that allows you to implement infinity into programs, and that's what this guide focuses on.

Not CompletedMarch 19 - Convert an Array of File Require Statements into File Names

When building scripts, it's a common requirement to remove and update multiple items in a collection of strings. In this guide we're going to mimic the process needed to take a list of require statements and generate a list of file names.

Not CompletedMarch 20 - Summing XML Data and Converting it to a Hash in Ruby

When it comes to working with APIs, two of the most common tools that you will use are JSON and XML. In this guide we'll walk through a challenging task in which we ingest the full play of Shakespeare's Macbeth in XML and convert it into a hash that sums the total number of lines for each character in the play.

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