March 19 - Convert an Array of File Require Statements into File Names
When building scripts, it's a common requirement to remove and update multiple items in a collection of strings. In this guide we're going to mimic the process needed to take a list of require statements and generate a list of file names.
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Implement a method that generates a list of file names based on a collection of require statements.
Exercise File
Exercise Description
Build a method that takes in an array of require statements and outputs an array of the file names with their JavaScript extension added.
javascript_files = [ '//= require custom/scripts', '//= require base/defaults', '//= require html.sortable', '//= require moment', '//= require test-styles' ] append_js_file_extension javascript_files # Output [ 'custom/scripts.js', 'base/defaults.js', 'html.sortable.js', 'moment.js', 'test-styles.js' ]
Real World Usage
Imagine that you were asked to build a feature that took in the contents of a file and you had to both remove and add content for each array element. This is a common requirement for tasks such as: building file parsers, developing view helper methods, and many more features.
Can be found on the solutions branch on github.