Date Counter to Epoch Time Array in Ruby
In this guide you will learn how to convert a hash of dates with count values into an array of epoch timestamps with date multiplied by its respective value.
Guide Tasks
- Read Tutorial
- Complete the Exercise
Build out a method that will use the hash_date_counter_converter(date_hash).
Exercise Description
"Define a method that will convert a hash of dates with count values into an array of epoch timestamps with date multiplied by it respective value."
Example Data
'date_hash = { (, 10, 1)) => 2, (, 07, 30)) => 1, (, 03, 5)) => 1, }' -> expect(hash_date_counter_converter(date_hash)).to eq( [1443657600, 1443657600, 1501372800, 1457136000] )
Real World Usage
This exercise will help you learn how to convert dates with count values into an array of epoch timestamps.