Index Hash Generator in Ruby
In this guide you will learn Build out a method using the index hash generator
Guide Tasks
  • Read Tutorial
  • Complete the Exercise


Build out a method using the index hash generator.

Exercise Description

"Define a method that will describe a hash where the key is the index position of the letter and the value is the letter itself. "

Example Data

'expected_hash = {0=>"A", 1=>"B", 2=>"C", 3=>"D", 4=>"E", 5=>"F", 6=>"G", 7=>"H", 8=>"I", 9=>"J", 10=>"K", 11=>"L", 12=>"M", 13=>"N", 14=>"O", 15=>"P", 
 16=>"Q", 17=>"R", 18=>"S", 19=>"T", 20=>"U", 21=>"V", 22=>"W", 23=>"X"}
 expect(letter_hash_with_index('A', 'X')).to eq(expected_hash)'

Real World Usage

Finalizing controlled data to be able to build out boards such as this.

Test Cases

Code File