Vue Basics

Not CompletedVue Basics Section Introduction and Project Code Files

Welcome to this first section of The Vue development course. In this section we're going to go through all of the Vue basics and we're going to take a couple of different approaches throughout this course for each section.

Not CompletedVue Integration, First Component, and Data Binding

In this lesson we're going to walk through how we can incorporate the vue J.S. framework directly into our HTML file. We're also going to walk through the vue.js source code along with being able to run our very first little function.

Not CompletedProject Code Cleanup and Discussion on File Import Order

You may have noticed that our HTML file here is starting to get a little bit cluttered and I think it would be beneficial to clean this up a little bit both on the CSS side and also on the vue javascript side.

Not CompletedGuide to Adding Custom View Methods to a View Component

So now that we have our code files organized and we've seen how we can bind a component to an element on the DOM. Let's now start talking about behavior and usually in programming when you talk about behavior you're talking about functions and methods.

Not CompletedIntroduction to Vue Directives

In this lesson we are going to discuss one of the most important concepts in the entire view framework and that is the directive.

Not CompletedHow to Implement a Basic Conditional with a Vue Directive

In the last guide, we walked through how we could use a directive inside a vue in order to pass in data to an attribute. That is definitely something you'll be doing quite a bit.

Not CompletedGuide to Vue JS Click Listeners

Now that we've looked at a couple of the Vue directives I think we're ready to start talking about events. Now we are going to be talking quite a bit more about directive's, we're also going to get even deeper into conditionals, such as how to implement compound conditionals. But I think that it's the right time for us to talk about how you can capture and work with events in Vue.

Not CompletedGuide to Compound Conditionals in Vue JS

So I'm happy with how things are going right now in the implication and now that we have some pretty good foundational knowledge, we have event listeners, we have directives, both the conditional type directives along with directives that allow us to control an element's attributes. Now we think we can combine all of this and we're going to build out a compound conditional.

Not CompletedWorking with Links in Vue JS

In this lesson we're going to walk through how we can work with directives and we're going to extend the knowledge that we've been using so far.

Not CompletedHow to Access Data From Input Elements with the keyup Event Listener in Vue JS

So far in this course when we have talked about building our listeners, we've specifically talked about click listeners, but we have the ability in Vue to work with all different types of events, and that's what we're going to work on in this guide.

Not CompletedHow to Implement Hot Keys with System Modifier Keys in Vue JS

So far in this section of the course, we've walked through a number of different event listeners that we can implement. Now I want to show you how we can implement an event listener that actually listens for hotkeys.

Not CompletedHow to Loop Over a Data Collection in Vue JS with the V For Directive

In this video, we are going to learn how to have to have multiple components render on the page and then we're also going to learn about one of the very key directives that you're most likely going to be using quite a bit as you build out Vue applications.

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